Voluntary recycling champions, given official status by UBLs.

AKDN / Patrick Sayer

This partnership is now planning to work with Fashion Revolution to establish a system of re-working clothes thrown away into yarn, and then using the yarn to create saleable products such as towels or tea towels and other items. The partnership will continue to identify imaginative solutions to this seemingly intractable problem so that the approach can be scaled nationally in India and beyond. Waste is a major contributor to greenhouse gases and therefore climate change. The approaches in this project are showcasing scalable waste management models for urban centres and will make a significant contribution to improving public health and reducing waste as it is copied nationally in other cities. India is one of the most populous countries in the world, and if a solution can be found that works here, the possibilities for replication in other countries are both wide-ranging and encouraging.

This text was adapted from an article published last year on the AKF(UK) website.