Furough Shakarmamadova is an employee of the Pamir Eco-Cultural Tourism Association, supported by the ESCOMIAD programme with funding from USAID.

AKDN / Christopher Wilton-Steer

Furough made the call to break camp early, to ensure the animals were cared for. “I made this decision as tour leader and I felt the greatest satisfaction in that moment.”

“I felt so good,” she said, adding, “It was also very hard to walk back so many kilometres.”

In Tajikistan, female wilderness guides are still rare. So Furough co-founded a Tajikistan affiliate of Women Rockin’ Pamirs, an international association that enables women to work as professional trekking guides in the Tajik Pamirs. Women Rockin’ Pamirs started as a training initiative commissioned by PECTA in 2015.

“Before when I went to the mountains [as a guide], people would say, ‘You can’t do it because you are a girl.’ People said, ‘This is hard for a girl.’ But now people see I continue to do it and there’s nothing wrong. And so it’s changing mindsets.”

With the support of Women Rockin’ Pamirs, she obtained a grant to teach more young women trekking and camping skills. In 2018 and 2019, they hosted a camp for teenagers, the first-ever where girls could experience the mountains this way.