Western corner of Qutb Shahi Heritage Park, Hyderabad, India.


Mausoleum of Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah, Restoration of Crypt - Qutb Shahi Heritage Park, Hyderabad, India.


Panoramic view of some of the restored monuments of the Qutb Shahi Heritage Park. From R to L: Jamshed Quli …


Roof terracing on Quli Qutb Shah's tomb through manual lifting of the concrete, Qutb Shahi Heritage Park, …

AKDN / Lipi Bharadwaj

Restoration of ribs on the dome of Abdullah Qutb Shah's mausoleum.

AKDN / Lipi Bharadwaj

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India | Restoration in Hyderabad

1 year

It took a year to document the 70 structures of the Quli Qutb Shah Tomb complex